Contribute to the Database

It’s currently not possible for visitors to add or edit database entries directly. However, your input is still welcome! If you’d like to suggest an entry be added to the database, provide missing details or data for an entry, or report incorrect data, please use the form below.

If you want to suggest that a game be added to the database, be advised that we’re currently not adding entries for games that meet any of the following criteria:

  • Console exclusive. We only add games that have been officially published for a PC platform.
  • No English language. We may add non-English titles in the future, but not now.
  • Made in RPG Maker. These games are their own niche, for now.
  • MUDs/MUSHs/MOOs. There are already great directories out there for these games.
  • Not an RPG. This may seem obvious, however many games straddle the line by incorporating only light RPG elements. What constitutes an RPG for the purposes of this database comes down to our discretion.

Submission Form


    We're still in the early stages and many entries are missing data. Please be patient and understand that this will be an ongoing process.

    If we missed something important or got something wrong, please fill out our submission form.